Imperial College Radio Videos

Back in the days when we were setting up IC Radio Imperial College also had a TV service for students which tended to produce two half hour programmes a week which where shown closed circuit round the College.  The service, STOIC (Student Television of Imperial College) was way ahead of its time as the 1970’s was still early days for video tape recording.  Amazingly much of this content has been archived and, with permission, I can include some of the content about the radio station on this site.

The first extract was an interview with me by Mark Caldwell from March 1976, when we had just been given a test and development licence from the Home Office to set up our medium wave (AM) transmitter.  In those days the Home Office itself regulated any radio that was not BBC or ILR.  I cannot say that I was a confident interviewee but at least it could be said that I answered the questions honestly.


As described elsewhere on the site, here and here, we helped with a BBC Radio London 48.5 hour record breaking marathon programme in May 1979, and afterwards Assistant Station Manager Harvey Nadin, who was one of the helpers, talked about it to STOIC.


In 1979 we gained additional space on the north side of Prince’s Gardens.  It was in the basement of Garden Hall and we decided to use most of the space for a production studio.  In June 1979 STOIC visited the studio where Harvey Nadin was working on installing the equipment.